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Friday, May 23, 2008

Beginning of the journey

I know I've got company out there, a lot.. more than a BILLION!

"Globally, there are more than 1 billion overweight adults, at least 300 million of them obese." says World Heath Organization (WHO)

We all know that being obese not only lessen one's self confidence but also, which is the worse part, puting one self in health related risks.

In WHO's study: "Obesity and overweight pose a major risk for chronic diseases, including type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, hypertension and stroke, and certain forms of cancer."

We already know that, dont we? Overweight people, like me, are in a constant battle. We all want to lose weight, to look good and to be healthy. That battle, in my mind, I know in others too, cannot be easily won. One needs determination and sacrifice.

Faced with obstacles (appetite, slow metabolism, genes) and the ill-effects of being overweight (low self-steem, health risks), I decided to really battle it out..

And with this goal in mind (to look better and be healthy (fit!)) and inspire others to do the same, I'll be keeping this journal (blog) about this journey.

A journey to a fit life!

Will I be able to achieve my goal? What challenges I'll be facing?.. Diets, exercise programs, diet pills (?).. and articles about losing weight and/or being overweight.. just anything about this journey

Come, join me in this journey and let's find out..

About me:
Gender: Male
Height: 5'5
Ideal Weight: 135 lbs.

Stats as of today:

Weight: 160 lbs or 72kgs (overweight by by 25 lbs or 12 kgs)
Waistline: 35" (with my height, waist size should be at max 32")
BMI: 26 (normal is 18-23)

Loss 25 lbs; Reduce waistline to 32";
Time frame: Six months (November 24, 2008).
Possible? Let's see.

From this!

to this!


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