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Sunday, May 25, 2008

The "Battle" Plan

Experts say that gaining weight is just like saving money in the bank.

Your savings balance eventually becomes big when your total deposits are greater than your total withdrawals. In weight management, "deposits" means eating and "withdrawals" means burning calories (physical activity). A very simple analogy.

With that, I developed my "battle" strategies (since weight loss is also called "battling the bulge"), also, in a very simple, one sentence plan ("battle cry"?):

"Reduce deposits (food in-take), increase withdrawals (exercise)."

Starting tomorrow i'll :

Reduce the "deposits" by:

  1. 1. Cutting by half my carbohydrates (a.k.a rice) intake.. (instead of one cup rice, i'll be having only half cup).. :(

  2. 2. Taking full meals only for breakfast and lunch.. will have fruits only at dinner ( a banana or an apple and an orange or ponkan)

3. Skipping snacks

4. Avoiding sodas, sweets (chocolate, cakes, pastries and ice cream) and meat

5. Not having fatty food in my diet (fried or oil-rich food)

And increase the "withdrawals" by:

1. Taking a walk thrice a week (mondays, wednesdays and fridays), and jogging also thrice a week (tuesdays, thursdays and saturdays) (in the morning)

2. Ensuring having at least 10,000 steps daily (going to buy a pedometer, metering how many steps you've made) by always walking around in the office, taking the stairs instead of the elevator or escalator (Going to find out more what other tasks or activity I'll involved myself with to hit my dialy target).

3. Attending gym sessions at least twice a week (at least an hour per session)(preferrably tuesdays and thursday after office)

4. 50 situps and pushups daily (25 in the morning and the remaining in the afternoon).

5. Playing badminton (once a week) (saturday)

Other "charges" by:

1. Increasing daily water or liquid intake to at least 8 glasses of water (2 glasses 1st hour in the morning, 4 glasses during the day, 1 at dinner and 1 before going to bed)

2. Napping at least 8 hours.

That's the game plan. Hope it works.

Every week I'll update my body stats..

Other posts.. articles on weight loss or interesting thing happen during my "battle" activity or the failure to execute the plan and the challenges I'll be facing will be posted from time to time.

If you are just like me having weigth problem, why not join me, apply the plan too, and we'll see what happen.. dont forget to drop and post your comment..


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